The Tree with Purpose by Unknown

Once upon a time there was a small enchanted forest, and this could be a forest anywhere, maybe a forest that only exist in your imagination, in different times, in this small forest there were many trees, apple trees, pear trees, orange trees, beautiful rose bushes..everybody was happy in this enchanted forest...except for a very lonely tree, who always felt deep sadness, well this tree had a problem, it couldn’t give any fruit.

This tree would go around with its head down, “I don’t know who I am” 

-You need to learn to concentrate more!!  would reply the apple tree, if you try this, your would be able to grow great apples!!

-Don’t listen to him !!!  would say the rose bush, 

it is much easier to give roses!!! 

Look they are beautiful !!

Desperate the tree tried every suggestion, but nothing, every time he would grow more and more frustrated.

One day an OWL arrived to this forest, the owl is known to be the wisest of all birds, and seeing this tree’s desperation said:

- Don’t you worry, your problem is not that bad...your problem is shared but many many  in this earth. Don’t waste your life living trying to be how everybody wants you to be. Just be YOU. Learn to know yourself, all you need to do is tune into yourself, the answers are within!

The tree said:

-Answers within?? Be myself? Get to know myself? As he’d grow more desperate..

It took some time while he contemplated these ideas…

And little but little it started to feel stronger, more self assured, eventually a voice from within emerged:

-You will never give apples, because you are not an apple tree, and won’t ever grow roses because you are not a rose bush. YOU ARE AN OAK TREE. Your destiny is to grow big and majestic, give shelter to all birds, shade to travelers, and beauty to this forest. This is who you are!! Believe who you are!! 

Slowly the tree started to feel stronger every time and more self assured, eventually grew into this majestic tree and took its place in this enchanted forest!


The Tale of the Three Umpires


Yelling at Empty Boats