Yelling at Empty Boats

Life can be a bit like drifting down a beautiful river at dusk in a little boat. Everything seems perfect and peaceful. We see another little boat off on the horizon moving slowly in our direction. As the other boat gets closer, we begin to worry. “Will it run into me? Will it sink my boat?” As the boats come quickly together we get more and more energized. We start by waving our arms and yelling, “Hey over there, move your boat away from me!” As the boat gets closer still, we become afraid of a collision that will leave us drowning in the water. We stand up, jump up and down, and shout, “Stop your boat! Turn away!” Then the boat smashes right into your boat. But the boat is empty. There is no damage. It just drifts harmlessly away on the river’s current. 


The Tree with Purpose by Unknown


Story of the Golden Buddha