
“You might as well answer the door, my child,
the truth is furiously knocking.”

“may you kiss
the wind then turn from it
certain that it will.

“the lesson of the falling leaves

the leaves believe
such letting go is love
such love is faith
such faith is grace
such grace is god
i agree with the leaves”

“I am running into a new year and the old years blow back like a wind that I catch in my hair like strong fingers like all my old promises and it will be hard to let go of what I said to myself about myself when I was sixteen and twenty-six and thirty-six but I am running into a new year and I beg what i love and I leave to forgive me.”

“don’t write out of what I know; I write out of what I wonder. I think most artists create art in order to explore, not to give the answers. Poetry and art are not about answers to me; they are about questions.”

“What they call you is one thing. What you answer to is something else.”

“We cannot create what we can't imagine.”

“People wish to be poets more than they wish to write poetry, and that's a mistake. One should wish to celebrate more than one wishes to be celebrated.”

“If someone gives you permission, they can take it away. I give myself permission.”

“Poems come out of wonder, not out of knowing.”


Morning Poem


All the true vows